Traveling By Faith: Thoughts on Being an Iranian American Writer

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A writer is like a goose inside a cloud. You fly by moving your fingers across a keyboard, hoping to write your way out of confusion and into something that makes sense to you and others.
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Reading War and Peace: The Effects of Great Art on an Ordinary Life

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One somewhat disquieting effect of reading War and Peace is that the more your own thoughts show up in its pages, the less original your life begins to feel.
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Country of Quakes

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In Chile, one learns the word for earthquake before the word for thunder, a consequence of living in a country where thunder rumbles infrequently but the earth shakes every few months.
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On Epigraphs

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Should epigraphs be thought of as part of the text, a sort of pre-modern, post-modern device, like tossing a newspaper clipping into the body narrative? Or are they actually a direct invitation by the author, perhaps saying, “Look here, for from this inspiration came this tale?”
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Through the Looking Glass: Notes on Disappearance

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People don’t disappear nearly as often in real life as they do in fiction. We’re fascinated, as a culture, by the idea of vanishing.
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What About Genre, What About Horror?

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Just for beginners, let’s admit that literary fiction is a genre, too, shall we? Expectations guide its readers, that of respect for consensus reality and the poignancy of seemingly ordinary lives, of sensitive character-drawing and vivid scene-painting, of the reversals and conflicts characteristic of the several sub-genres of literary fiction.
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Dispatch from the Borders-Land

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Late on a late December Friday, I decided to try something different: I headed to a mall-bound Borders and asked 37 customers about their relationship to books.
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That Woman Who Writes

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I became known as “that woman who writes”—the patrons and employees showing me new tattoos, telling me about their breakups and fights and hangovers, and complaining about the “dickhead” who owned the coffeehouse.
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Joy of Cooking: A Novel Experience

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The truth is, I read cookbooks like novels. Cover to cover, page by page, the dedication, the acknowledgments, the indexes: I devour everything.
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My Biographer Will Be Pleased: Thoughts on Personal Papers

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I am so focused on things these days, of discarding them, packing them, transporting them. And my books and these old papers and letters--these say the most about my life than anything, any thing, could.
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Not Lost, Just Rearranged: A Profile of Michelle Huneven

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"What’s wrong with you, is wrong with your writing," Huneven says. "It really behooves you to find out what that is, so that you can disguise that in your writing. Or compensate it, or cover it up. Or cure it, if you can."
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Draft Dave: Why Eggers Should Edit The Paris Review

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As absurd as it may sound, I'd like to propose that Dave Eggers is the best candidate for editorship of The Paris Review. And, somewhat counterintuitively, that hiring him for the job might be as good for Eggers as for the magazine.
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The Writer Career Arc, or Why We Love the Susan Boyle Story

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The idea is that the reader is interested in a rags-to-riches story, as if literary success were akin to winning the lottery, or better yet, being struck by lightning.
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How Do I Get Home? A Profile of Nick Flynn

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Flynn navigates murky waters through his elegant language, trying not to blame the map he was given for his apprehension.
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The Magisterial Goal

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Soccer broadcaster Ray Hudson values hyperbole over precision. His quips, spontaneous and unedited, conflating science and art, have gained him a reputation as one the most notorious announcers in all of sports.
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‘The woman writes as if the Devil was in her…’

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The anxiety of maintaining the distance and time to write within a romantic relationship continues to plague women (and men alike).
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The Problem with Prizes (or, Who Cares About the International Booker?)

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From across the bookstore, it flashes at me like the plumage of a wild bird seeking a mate: one of those small gold circles indicative of acclaim. And, frankly, I'm a little turned on.
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Down by the Riverside

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I was neither family, friend, nor peer, after all. I wished them a good night, hoping that next time, I would answer their questions correctly, that I would know my history, for their sake and mine.
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