The Gospel According to Girl: A Profile of Blake Nelson

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For a certain type of girl wending her way through adolescence in the mid 1990s, the bible was a paperback novel with a hot pink spine. It was Blake Nelson’s debut and it was called, aptly, Girl.
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To Blurb or Not to Blurb?

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This seemingly innocent question was put to me for the first time a couple of weeks ago when a paperback review copy of a non-fiction book arrived in my mailbox.
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MFA Grads and Former Acrobats: Approaches to the Author Bio

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The truth is, every published writer has been faced with summing themselves up in just a few sentences. It's not easy, and a bio isn't a fixed thing--or at least not until you're dead. Until then, it (hopefully) evolves with each new publication, each year lived. The decision of what to include and exclude persists throughout one's career.
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The Big Show: Franzen, Goodman, and ‘The Great American Novel’

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The Cookbook Collector’s literary elegance is part of what made the book invisible to a broad public, while Franzen’s roaring crassness is part of what made his book such a smash.  He’s just a lot louder than she is.
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On Bad Reviews

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Given all the years you spent writing your book or composing your music or perfecting your play before someone came along and spat on it, it’s extraordinarily difficult to respond to a bad review with grace.
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Her Story Next to His: Beloved and The Odyssey

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In the era of O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Cold Mountain, it is puzzling that more attention has not been paid to the extensive parallels to The Odyssey in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.
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Jay-Z is Not a Proudhon of Hip-Hop

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All art comes from art.  To admit this is not to concede that there's no such thing as originality any more than it's a license to borrow without attribution and then call it your own. 
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The Posthumous Jim Carroll: What Do We Owe a Dead Writer?

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Jim Carroll may have been gone, but in the comforting, ghostly way that artists do, he would endure.
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Darts and Philosophy, Bowling and Metaphysics: A Primer on the Novels of Jean-Philippe Toussaint

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Toussaint deals with both the little irritations and the Big Questions, usually in as close a proximity as possible, and he respects no boundary between fiction and nonfiction.
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The Long and the Short of It: Linked Story Collections Bridging the Divide

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To me, the short story is this miraculously compressed form, elegant and complex, small in shape but large and deep in meaning; it has the capacity for perfection in a way that the novel does not. Many writers work their way “up” to writing a novel; perhaps my artistic trajectory will be to work my way “down” to writing gorgeous, perfect short stories. Who knows? I look forward to finding out.
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The Great Late Henry James

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If there was ever a rule that an American writer should do his boldest, most experimental work first and then retreat to safe ground, no one ever bothered to tell Henry James.
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The Story Problem: 10 Thoughts on Academia’s Novel Crisis

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The rhythm of school is conducive to the writing of small things, not big things, and we don't try hard enough to think beyond that rhythm because, for many of us, it’s the only rhythm we know.
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Writing from the Garret: The Joys and Dangers of Readership

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I've been wondering a lot about how sharing one's writing with a larger audience alters one's process--how having multiple readers, a potential world of them, can strengthen that process, and challenge it, and how it can also, if you aren't careful, wound and compromise it.
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Exiles of Historical Fiction

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The saying goes, “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it,” but in reference to historical fiction, a better saying would be, “Those who don’t add something new to the past are simply repeating it.”
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Robert Musil and The Man Without Qualities: Imperial Vienna as a Portrait of Now

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Robert Musil wrote The Man Without Qualities in the 1930s, but his modernist elegy to Belle Époque Vienna offers an achingly familiar picture of dissolution and malaise.
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Interactive Art: What Video Games Can Learn from Freud

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What if the best thing art has to offer is freedom from choice?
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I’ve lent and given away hundreds of books to hundreds of people, but I’ve never lent Sula to anyone except my oldest daughter.
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