On Bad Blurbs and the Heavy Lightness of Yates’s The Easter Parade

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The blurby back-cover declarations struck me as so off-pitch, that they in fact helped me to clarify for myself just what I think The Easter Parade is, and isn’t.
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Philip K. Dick and the Pleasures of Unquotable Prose

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Dick isn’t out to crystallize a particular sentiment. He does not aim to be quotable—to be, in a word, reducible. Instead, his novels feel like labor, as though they are tabulating the results of some desperate experiment.
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Cliffhanger: On Extreme Survival Books

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This plotline rarely changes; the details are grisly, the scenarios harrowing. Yet we can’t get enough of such stories.
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On Not Going Out of the House: Thoughts About Plotlessness

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If life keeps "flowing, always flowing, smashing everything" as it rushes toward the ocean of death, the desire to scramble for the bank and sit the whole thing out on dry land is understandable.
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Lighting the Way: On Mentoring and Being Mentored

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I am thankful for each of my mentors and what they've offered me at different points in my life as a writer. I don't want to imagine what I might not have attempted, creatively and professionally, were it not for their support and enthusiasm, their benevolent shadows.
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Daughter of California

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Pitch dirt onto a parent’s dead body and in that second understand that bits of dirt just became as much part of the parent as any other bit you might hold onto: a snapshot, a clock with bent hands, shoes still bearing the imprint of feet, ties scented with stale aspiration.
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Consequential Literature and Petty Theft

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The first time was nerve-racking, a rush, but by the third book I was already settling in.  My browsing time shortened.  My forehead didn’t sweat.  I feared getting caught not because I was committing a punishable crime, but because I was committing a strange and possibly subversive act, because getting caught would force me to explain, to divulge my secret self.
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Solving for X: Malcolm X and White Readers

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If the “angriest black man in America” no longer hates you, Malcolm X's story seems to tell white people, then maybe you’re not all bad.
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Pat’s Journals

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Soon after I started dating my future husband, I discovered that his father had written unpublished journals, named for his sons and his first grandson. In them, I learned the truth is complicated and nebulous and open to interpretation.
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Geoff Dyer, Gate-Crasher and Dragonfly

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It was as though I'd been drawn to the Phillips de Pury auction house to visually complete the circuit of learning begun by Dyer's revelatory writings.  Which is not to say I wound up agreeing with everything Dyer had to say. Far from it.
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The Importance of Unwritten Postcards

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If I’d been able to share my memories quickly, if I’d been able to tweet them or make them my status or even speak them to someone I knew, I might not have hung onto them.
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The Stockholm Syndrome Theory of Long Novels

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I can’t say that I enjoyed every minute of it, or even that I enjoyed all that much of it at all, but I can say that by the time I got to the end of it I was glad to have read it. Not just glad that I had finally finished it, but that I had started it and seen it through.
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The Indigenous American Berserk

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Whenever there are bright lights, clusters of cameras and microphones, spin doctors and handlers, packs of hungry rivals with notebooks, the writer's chances of getting something genuine, or even merely unique, shrink monstrously.  I experienced this so many times that it is one of the few things I absolutely know to be true.
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‘Was Guilt Innocent?’ The Books of Harry Mulisch

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The Assault, probably Harry Mulisch’s most well known work, is to my mind the best account ever written of being a non-Jew in an occupied Nazi territory.
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Pitons in the Monolith: Jonathan Franzen’s Despair and the Millennials’ Dream

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The crisis Franzen described 15 years ago this month would seem doubly urgent for today’s young writers, yet twentysomethings are entering the literary arena in droves. The question’s not “Why Bother?” but “What gives?”
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Our Growing Higher Ed Crisis: Making Myths In the Basement of the Ivory Tower

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Professor X knows first-hand that if you refuse to keep score, if you don't set standards, if you promote students simply for trying, you will produce mediocrity, or worse. But don't just take his word for it.
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Confluence of Pleasures: On Reading and Tuna Fish

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Proust's madeleine would have made more sense to me had Proust, upon discovering the power of the cookie, obtained a huge box and eaten them while reading all seven Chronicles of Narnia.
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The Quotable Babur

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He was a tactician, poet, zoologist, melon enthusiast, Muslim, and badass.  He was also the author of the Baburnama, an autobiography unprecedented in its milieu.
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