Naples and The Gallery

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John Horne Burns’ The Gallery was his first book, a chronicle of the chaos and beauty and horror of occupied Naples in 1943 and 1944. It’s an interesting hybrid: a novel, or perhaps it’s better described as a short story collection in which the stories, all touching in some way upon a bombed-out arcade called the Galleria Umberto, alternate with an elegant travelogue. The travelogue appears to be the author’s memoir: "I remember that at Casablanca it dawned on me that maybe I’d come overseas to die."
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The Saddest Story I Have Ever Heard: An Agnostic Appreciation of The Book of Genesis

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When I think of poor Adam and Eve and their hapless abdication of paradise in return for some new knowledge, I can’t help thinking of my own incremental sense of impending banishment with each new rumor overheard, as a child, from across the border of Adulthood.
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The Little Room of Danger and Depth

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In this day and age it seems almost prehistoric to want to establish a library. It’s as though I’m admitting that I’ve become a fan of riding a donkey down to the shops, or that I’ve discovered how and why things fall to the ground.
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Where Have All the Catholic Writers Gone?

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Despite such a rich literary heritage, novels — both by Catholics and non-Catholics — grappling with what used to be called “the drama of salvation” are no longer just rare, but almost unthinkable nowadays.
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The Genre Games

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I developed my own little highly-nonscientific experiment: I went to the local library and checked out three books in each of seven genres and devoted an entire weekend to looking for tropes or devices that separated one genre from another. I had some really weird dreams that weekend.
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Beyond Holokitsch: Spiegelman Goes Meta

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Art Spiegelman's Maus is that rare work of literature that speaks to everyone while pandering to no one. MetaMaus is a record of how Spiegelman pulled off this magic trick.
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Reading 1Q84: The Case for Fiction in a Busy Life

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I stopped questioning the purpose of fiction and instead began to see reading 1Q84 as one of the few necessary things I did all day. The reasons for the change of heart had to do with wonder, with love, and with the way literature provides for the best parts of who we are.
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The Pleasures and Perils of Rereading

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Whether we go back again and again to a classic or pick up an old favorite to see how it has fared or dig deep into the treasures of our youth, rereading is an experiment that is bound to change us, and to change our impressions of the books we read. Rereading can certainly surprise, it can instruct, and it can make us feel safe. Maybe it is not indulgent to reread a book, but a way to learn; and what is any sort of reading but a way to learn, whether it is something new about the world or just something new about ourselves?  
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Three Readings, A Bag of Ritz Sandwich Crackers, and Some Serious QT with my Number One Fan

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Now, I don’t normally do this sort of thing. But my publisher wasn’t planning much for the paperback tour, so I figured why not? Isn’t that what publishing is all about these days — doing-it-yourself, sleeping on couches, Facebooking and tweeting your little heart out?
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De-Romanticizing Rome

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Judging by the bookshelves, Rome has been condensed into a mere repetition of themes: what tasty food, passionate people, beautiful art, ancient ruins, and history! Is that all there is to Rome?
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Celebrating St. Crispin’s Day

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We need more literary holidays. For what it’s worth, I want to claim today (October 25) for readers. Who’s with me?
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The End of the End of the Frontier

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Americans don’t really look for Mexico in Mexico — they look for a more perfect America, at once free of materialism and more conducive to it.
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How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Write ‘The Marriage Plot’

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The irony was clear: here I was, cheating on a novel that had once been my mistress!
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Getting Out: Escaping with Joan Didion

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I came home one oppressive afternoon and found two men drunk on Listerine passed out on the front lawn. I saw someone on the bus using needle-nosed pliers to remove his nostril hair. None of it was out of the ordinary, but my view of it was. Minneapolis hadn’t changed, but the ugliness had become all I saw of the city.
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The Gay Question: Death in Venice, By Nightfall, and The Art of Fielding

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Is it possible for an otherwise straight man to be struck by a bolt of gay lightning and next scene end up declaring his undying love to a beautiful young Adonis?
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Bartleby’s Occupation of Wall Street

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If Occupy Wall Street has any goal, it should be to have the same effect that great literature has — to unsettle.
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Bad Bookshops: An Appreciation

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As great as it is to be able to choose whatever you want on Amazon, sometimes what you really want is to have no choice at all.
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What a Wonderful Drag It Is Getting Old: Mona Simpson’s Anywhere but Here

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I would never say this explicitly, but I think to myself, dear niece or nephew: I understand how exasperating or sometimes insane your parents can seem, but try to remember that they would do anything for you, that they have lived for you.
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