Apocalypse Then: Meet the Original Rapture Novels

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Whether I believed the Antichrist would actually posses a ruby laser ring that harnessed the power of the sun into “a devastating laser beam of destruction” that could wipe out buildings in a poof, I definitely believed the Antichrist would show up and have lots of tricks up his sleeve. And I didn’t want to stick around for it. I wanted to be raptured.
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Heretics in the Marketplace

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The ballot box was now obsolete, supplanted by a vast, continual referendum that had rendered political institutions little more than speed bumps on the road to market efficiency.
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How Can Historical Fiction Be Feminist?

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The very act of centering a novel on a woman’s story, of giving her the same respect and attention men’s stories have traditionally received, can be feminist.
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Searching for Complexity: Motherhood in Fiction

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I’m on a quest to surround myself with complex mothers. I’m going to seek them in novels, in stories I can enter during months when my own complexity seems to shine brighter. The women I’ll turn to can’t hear me when I talk back to them, but they can be my companions.
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A Bookseller’s Elegy

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What can you do when a customer wants a book that you not only find objectionable but also believe actually dangerous in the lessons it portends amidst such a politically precarious time?
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Writers Remembering Mom and Dad

Two sons who became writers remember their parents with a fondness that will melt your heart.

Girls in the Band: My Summer of Rock Memoirs

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The aim of each of these women, perhaps of every artist, is a longing to be understood, to make some seemingly unknowable part of the self known.
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The Mourners

I spent years of my life thinking I would be a member of a room like that by dying. That I would be the thing no one was talking about, all anyone was thinking. I spent years imagining what those rooms might be like with me not there.

Shakespearean Echoes: Game of Thrones as History Play

It’s Political Science 101, with dragons.

Death of a Soviet Netminder

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Sometimes you admire someone’s ability to endure more than someone else’s ability to dominate in more favorable circumstances.
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When the Writing Mentor Becomes the Mentee

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Sharing work is really like sharing your soul. My erstwhile mentee somehow managed to know what I needed to do before I knew myself.
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Feminism, Glenn Close, and the Curse of the Crazy Woman

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At a time when American women can ascribe to feminism with comparatively little fanfare, insisting on one’s own humanity as a woman is still an act of monstrosity—one with which ugliness and craziness, the two things that women are supposed to fear most, is always elided.
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Austerity and the British Library

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It is good if the public library appeals to seniors, but it is not good if seniors are the only people to whom a library appeals. New generations need to use their library, need to need their library, if the library is to remain inside the tightening circle of things the government will do for its people.
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How I Learned to Start Driving (and Writing)

It’s the starting, and the prospect of starting, and the thinking about how I will have to think about starting, that makes me want to vomit and die on the floor for a long time.

Doctors, Harp Lies, and Trump Talk

On one afternoon, I saw four consecutive patients with no history of hypertension who all posted blood pressure recordings above standard values. Each blamed our recent banter about Donald Trump.

American Myth: The Short, Beautiful Life of Breece D’J Pancake

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Pancake was a canary somewhere deep in the American coal mine, warning us of the methane building up, and of the explosion that would inevitably follow. Unfortunately, the canary is always the first to die.
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The Golden Arches of Nostalgia

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We’d walk into a McDonald’s and smell the familiar fried food and order the same burger and French fries and I'd taste the idea of home on my tongue. I would awake to the realization that this taste could be home.
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How David Shields Turned Me Into a U.F.O.

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This is not a knock on Shields—or me—because all writers are free to choose their subject matter and use their source material as they see fit.
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