Beautiful Living Things: A Farewell to ‘Glimmer Train’

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Glimmer Train stories, well—they told a story. It was a place, cornball as it might sound, to explore the human heart.
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Unreliable Unreliable Narrators

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All first-person narrators are unreliable. This is less a structural feature of storytelling and more a structural feature of the human condition.
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Seeing the Forest for the Trees: ‘The Overstory’ and ‘Eucalyptus’

The frequency, specificity, consistency, and overarching structure in Eucalyptus and The Overstory transcend typical well-considered similes of other works.

The Syllabus of St. Benedict

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I wonder what a syllabus might look like that established a common life for the classroom—that asked the hard question of who the classroom forms us to be.
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But Let Us Cultivate Our Garden

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My garden had also been a way to make some order from chaos, find some grace through growth and change, and create an enthusiasm of my own.
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Lives We Could Live but Don’t: The Funnel Crisis and the Slow Burn of Academia

One day you realize that every colleague with whom you entered graduate school who wanted to be a tenured professor in biology actually swore off academia.

Here Is the Needle, This Is the Thread: ‘Safekeeping’ and the Liberation of Memoir

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Memoir making is about the needle and the thread, the patchwork and the patches, the careful stitchery—as much about how we remember as what we remember.
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The Patron Saint of America’s Opioid Crisis

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Horace Wells’s story carries a warning: to be wary of pain-free promises and skeptical of pain-relieving miracles, which are always likely to carry costs.
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East of El Dorado: Raleigh’s Poetic Explorations

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In addition to his reputation as courtier, explorer, adventurer, and war criminal, Sir Walter Raleigh is also one of our greatest poets.
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Atlas of a Borderless World: An Excerpt from ‘A Stranger’s Pose’

I ask the taxi driver for his number. Responding to impulse, I want him to take me around the city at daylight. Men like him carry routes within themselves.

We Leave Our Stories in the Bones

I'd sit until an accident would come where the rupture was such that bone was exposed. I closed my eyes. We should never see bones; they are too intimate.

To Your Left Is Coding, to Your Right Is Safety: Programming Stories

A programmer and a storyteller delimit possibilities. They model scenarios. From those tiny elements come branching stories.

Eleven Ways of Looking at a Sunset

There's something countercultural in reinvesting the sunset with its significance—in seeing it as that portal which shepherds us into the province of night.

Another September: Creating Life and Art in a Terrifying World

I was already seven weeks. If the story were fiction, I would dismiss the ending as unrealistic. A deus ex machina. Contrived, overly convenient.

The Magic of Being Out of Touch: Ignorance as the Last Stand of Romanticism

Returns to childhood, hedonism, intelligence: These have clearly lost their punch. Ignorance, ironically enough, is a harder Romantic object to dismiss.

Changing Our Narratives through ‘Days of Our Lives’

I couldn’t help imagining a lost episode of Days of Our Lives where Nicole bugs Donald Trump, hears what he said about grabbing women, and plots a revenge.

Tree Time and Mortality in the Eyes of Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Powers, and Ursula K. Le Guin

Human stories mix, meander, and sputter in the understory of a larger life always proliferating above our heads, rooted sprawling under our feet.