Must-Read Poetry: April 2018

David Bottoms’s poems are like dark rooms: we enter and exit through the same door, but we’re a little different on the way out.

On Poetry and Archiving

How does a poet become an archivist? I think I suspected the answer before I asked: you approach objects with care.

Must-Read Poetry: March 2018

We often say that poetry transforms, but Fady Joudah’s verse also transports.

Fifteen Poets on Revision

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Some poets suffer through revision. Other poets find life in revision. All poets do it. Here are 15 poets on the worthy work of revision.
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Must-Read Poetry: February 2018

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What Sleigh helps us see in these poems is something deeper than journalism can offer: a heart and mind torn by inhabiting a world but not fully grasping its pain.
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A Stay Against Confusion: On Why I Started Writing Poetry Again

While I’m skeptical that poetry will save us, I’ve felt compelled to write poetry again in the past year as a stay against the daily conflagration of argument and noise.

Must-Read Poetry: January 2018

Melancholic without ever become maudlin, Schultz’s new book is a snapshot of our malaise “one luminous, lost imagination at a time.”

A Year in Reading: Nick Ripatrazone

If I’m sentimental about books, forgive me. We need them.

We Love to Be Lied To: On ‘Bunk’ by Kevin Young

Stories write our history. Stories write our culture. Once sewn into that history and culture, the hoax and the lie are almost impossible to separate from the truth.

Windfalls: New Letters from Ernest Hemingway

The business of being a writer is a business, and Hemingway’s letters demonstrate that even the most celebrated writers encounter countless setbacks. Writing is a struggle. Publishing is a struggle.

Must-Read Poetry: October 2017

Poetry is malleable and moving; a form that will never tire of importance.

Must-Read Poetry: September 2017

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Isn’t that one of the purest goals of poetry—to justify our breaths? To recognize that we matter?
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We Are Not Alone: ‘Close Encounters’ Turns 40

A new biography reveals how J. Allen Hynek’s life and legend exemplify a lost era. UFO sightings still make the news, but Hynek was something different: a public intellectual who told us to watch the skies.

Better Experienced than Explained: On ‘Why Poetry’ by Matthew Zapruder

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Poetry is not the only genre that requires resident apologists, but poetry's form and function inherently require defense. Simply put, prose is our default mode. Poetry is a process of selection, of white space and rhythm. If prose is prayer, poetry is hymn.
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Trapped in Purgatory with Stephen Dedalus and Anse Bundren

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Get over yourself, Anse—and quit jabbering about your new teeth.
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Must-Read Poetry: August 2017

This is a book to share, a poetic window into someone “standing in line / behind you / the girl you’re pretending not to notice.”