A Year In Reading: Rob Delaney

December 5, 2012 | 1 book mentioned 4

coverI really enjoyed How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran. It’s an equal parts blue-collar and intellectual look at the necessity of feminism and it’s funny as hell. I actually read it aloud to my wife, which is curious, because she’s already a woman and does a good job of it and I’m a man and will likely continue to be one.

I’m fortunate to have been raised by a wonderful, kind, strong, dynamic mom and also to have as my only sibling a sister who was and is an amazing friend and inspiration. Then I met my wife and watched her become a mom twice which has just been so humbling and awe-inspiring. So I’m pretty “pro-women” anyway, but How to be a Woman is such a fantastic, loving look at one woman’s self-education that I found myself often saying, “Wow. Yes.” Moran has been one of the U.K.’s leading music journalists for twenty years, so the book moves along trippingly from anecdote to admonition to hilarious public service announcement. I am comfortable describing this book as “vital.”

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is a comedian and writer. He lives in Los Angeles with a small child and a pregnant woman. His first book will come out in Fall 2013 from Spiegel and Grau.