Too Many Viggos

November 9, 2006 | 1 book mentioned

Hunky Viggo Mortenson (of Lord of the Rings fame) was a big draw when he made appearances at the bookstore where I used to work. He’s got some dedicated fans who love the fact that he’s an actor and a poet and an artist. If you look at an Amazon search for his name, his many books of poetry and art come up. But, as the New York Times recently noted, there’s another Viggo Mortenson, a Danish professor who has written a book about theology, much to the chagrin of wayward Viggo fans who end up picking up his book, Theology and the Religions: A Dialogue (note the angry customer reviews.) Journal notes the article and discusses the frustration of running an online book database and dealing with multiple authors who share the same name.

created The Millions and is its publisher. He and his family live in New Jersey.