Ask A Book Question: The Seventh in a Series (Calling All Readers of Hesse)

September 9, 2003 | 1 book mentioned 1

C. Ryan Edwards wrote in hoping to jumpstart a discussion on one of his favorite authors, Hermann Hesse:

I was hoping to start some discussion of one of my favorite books by mentioning hesses’s the glass bead game or magister ludi whichever one wishes to call it. Have you read it? It did gain hesse the 1946 nobel prize.

The only Hesse I have ever read is, predictably, Siddhartha, which I considered to be very good, if only because it kept me interested in subject matter that I don’t typically care for. I have heard more than once that as far as Hesse goes Siddhartha should be considered a lesser work, since his other writing typically surpasses it. I invite anyone out there with thoughts on The Glass Bead Game/Magister Ludi to speak up via the “comments” link. I meanwhile will add it to my list of things to read.

created The Millions and is its publisher. He and his family live in New Jersey.